Imagine a virtual place where you can gather your community, we've done it, and we are showing you how! · We, the Algiers chapter of Google Developer...
DevFest is coming this year with its typical main activity...The Hackathon, and what's better than building ingenious AI solutions to our daily life...
Book notes: Deep Learning for Coders · Multi-Label Classification The field of computer vision includes a set of main problems such as image...
Book notes: Deep Learning for Coders · Pet Breeds classification this task is actually more challenging than the cat/dog example. #download the...
Book notes: Deep Learning for Coders · Chapter 4 : Under the Hood : Training a Digit Classifier. First, let's try to build a classifier that could...
Book notes: Deep Learning for Coders · Part I : Deep Learning in Practice Chapter 1 : Your Deep Learning Journey Machine learning glossary Pre-trained...